Cognitive Robotics - Modeling Human-like Intelligence


Cognitive Robotics
Human-like Intelligence


Cognitive robotics aims to imbue robotic systems with human-like intelligence and cognitive capabilities, enabling them to perceive, reason, learn, and interact with their environment in sophisticated ways. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of cognitive robotics approaches for modeling human-like intelligence. We discuss key concepts such as perception, reasoning, learning, and interaction, and explore how these concepts are integrated into robotic systems to achieve human-like cognitive abilities. Additionally, we highlight challenges and future directions in the field, emphasizing the potential impact of cognitive robotics on various domains, including healthcare, education, and industry.



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Tatineni, Sumanth. "INTEGRATING AI, BLOCKCHAIN AND CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES FOR DATA MANAGEMENT IN HEALTHCARE." Journal of Computer Engineering and Technology (JCET) 5.01 (2022).


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