Optimizing Cybersecurity Interfaces for Operators of Autonomous Vehicles in IoT-connected Federated Learning Environments


Cybersecurity is vital in autonomous vehicles (AV) using internet connectivity. Main factors responsible for AV connectivity include synchronized control, cooperative maneuvers, vehicular synchronization, and vehicular platooning. Despite the cybersecurity challenges, connected AV security is often overlooked, which greatly impacts future transport and smart city expectations. The challenge ahead is in the establishment of balanced security solutions for addressing future autonomous automotive scenarios. This paper offers a survey on critical connected AV cybersecurity protocols and technologies through an extensive theoretical framework. In closing, the investigation provides both qualitative precedence and possible future research direction.

In the near future, communication technology, such as fifth-generation networks (5G) and the 'Internet of Things (IoT)', will herald the era of autonomous vehicles. In a fully connected city, multi-source communications and smart capabilities using the IoT will play a central role. Artificial intelligence (AI) will be a core technology in this environment. Knowing this, car manufacturers are focusing on AI technology. The AI technology used in autonomous vehicles will utilize federated learning, linking AI in vehicles and learning models with AI in the back-end server. To effectively optimize cybersecurity for new car AI systems, the car operator must be involved in cybersecurity management. To achieve effective security management, a user-friendly human-machine interface (HMI) is required. In order to exercise expert HMI control, the operator has to know and clearly understand the evolving security posture of the vehicle. This study aims to propose a user-optimized cybersecurity interface aimed at car operators for AI in autonomous vehicles. This is performed as a soft redundancy to complement hard redundancy in ensuring the safety of the car.



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