Ethical Considerations in IoT Sensor Deployment for Autonomous Vehicle Safety


Other safety-relevant automotive issues such as a cyber-physical "pathogen" that affects the vehicle's systems or control are also competitive in terms of market solutions and do not receive adequate attention from regulators. By connecting the potential pitfalls of these competitive institutional designs to the theoretical literature on robust institutional design, we reach more general conclusions in the final methodological section of the paper. This literature cautions the ethics of rules to strategically ignore subjective features of future institution designs: rules about autonomous vehicle control switching from non-resident to resident in hostile regulatory environments. It is difficult to imagine the design, testing, and deployment of more general AI rules on the premise that regulators and manufacturers are perfectly benevolent or acknowledge the need to interpret their own choices in this way.

Cyber-physical systems based on the Internet of Things (IoT) have the potential to greatly increase vehicle safety and enable large-scale societal deployment of autonomous vehicles. An increasing percentage of cars on the road already use IoT sensors in advanced driver assistance systems. These same IoT sensors are also candidates for use as an input to autonomous vehicle control, enabling further features. Ethical research suggests how to deploy IoT sensors to improve safety, even beginning with these early deployments of advanced driver assistance systems.



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