Adversarial Defense Mechanisms for Reinforcement Learning-based Autonomous Vehicle Control


In this paper, we aim to investigate and defend autonomous vehicle (AV) control policies, which were designed by reinforcement learning (RL) agents, against adversarial attacks. Ensuring the safety and security of RL-based control policies becomes even more critical, especially if they are designed for high-risk tasks, such as AVs, because adversaries could exploit model vulnerabilities and real-time AV sensor data to cause adversarial perturbations to the control policy. These adversarially generated perturbations enable the adversaries to manipulate the RL-based AV control policy at test time and can cause unsafe actions such as accidents, privacy violations, and financial losses.

In this paper, we propose an adversarial defense mechanism based on robustifying an artificial agent's policy over training time and a large-scale ensemble policy that further improves robustness. Specifically, in both defenses, novel augmentation-based reward shaping mechanisms are proposed to improve the performance and stability of the artificial agent during various stages of training and testing. We evaluate the performance of our defense mechanisms in various real-world adversarial environments and demonstrate the superiority of the proposed defense mechanisms over the state-of-the-art in the context of autonomous vehicle control using MuJoCo.



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