Multi-Modal Authentication Systems for Secure Access Control in Autonomous Vehicles

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Dr. Ana Castaño, “Multi-Modal Authentication Systems for Secure Access Control in Autonomous Vehicles”, Journal of AI in Healthcare and Medicine, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 160–180, Jun. 2023, Accessed: Feb. 02, 2025. [Online]. Available:


In our work, we propose a secure multi-modal biometric authentication system for access control in autonomous vehicles. It seeks to combine the relatively weak unimodal authentication systems found in unmanned aerial vehicle and autonomous car access control systems into a strong multimodal authentication system. Specifically, the two key areas of focus are on person of interest detection and the adoption of a multi-modal biometric authentication system. The person of interest detection system focuses on the process of detecting a person's existence or entry into access by means of any of the UAV's person sensing modalities. With regard to the multi-modal biometric authentication system, the key areas of focus are on fusing two or more of the autonomous vehicle's biometric devices and on using a customized multi-phased identity verification process.



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