Designing IoT-enabled Dynamic Fleet Management Systems for Autonomous Vehicles with Human-Centric Authentication

How to Cite

Dr. Ndubuisi Enem, “Designing IoT-enabled Dynamic Fleet Management Systems for Autonomous Vehicles with Human-Centric Authentication”, Journal of AI in Healthcare and Medicine, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 100–120, Jun. 2023, Accessed: Sep. 17, 2024. [Online]. Available:


Currently, many Internet of Things (IoT) data exchanges are insecure, opaque, expensive, susceptible to fraud, or prone to error. One approach to improving the trustworthiness of this data and communication is through blockchains. We introduce a new set of connectivity service options that define two broad categories of services. The first is AVs engaging in a direct peer-to-peer connection to each other using a range of technologies. The second is the establishment of a link to an access point (wired, fiber, or wireless, such as Wi-Fi/DSRC/5G/4GLTE) connecting the AV to each other as well as dynamically to other access points.

Autonomy in vehicles is poised to revolutionize the transportation sector. In the dynamic fleet management system for AVs, there are two main techniques demanded: AV to infrastructure communication and the reliable peer-to-peer communication amongst AVs.



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